DHCP is an acronym for Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol. Once a range
of IP addresses has been defi ned on a DHCP server, it will automatically
assign them to computers connected to the network. This is done once the
system is started and recognized on a server.
First, a broadcast request is sent by the client to the DHCP server.
This message sent is known as DHCPDISCOVER. The router will then
send the packet to the DHCP. Once the packet is received, an IP
address is sent to the client based on certain rules that are set on the server.
This IP address is then reserved and an OFFER request is sent to the client.
Later the client sends a REQUEST packet to acknowledge the IP address.
Lastly, a confi rmation packet known as DHCPACK is sent by the server to
fi nalize the IP address for the client. This IP address may expire after a
certain period of time as set by the DHCP server.
This method of IP confi guration is used to make confi guration easier by
of IP addresses has been defi ned on a DHCP server, it will automatically
assign them to computers connected to the network. This is done once the
system is started and recognized on a server.
First, a broadcast request is sent by the client to the DHCP server.
This message sent is known as DHCPDISCOVER. The router will then
send the packet to the DHCP. Once the packet is received, an IP
address is sent to the client based on certain rules that are set on the server.
This IP address is then reserved and an OFFER request is sent to the client.
Later the client sends a REQUEST packet to acknowledge the IP address.
Lastly, a confi rmation packet known as DHCPACK is sent by the server to
fi nalize the IP address for the client. This IP address may expire after a
certain period of time as set by the DHCP server.
This method of IP confi guration is used to make confi guration easier by
avoiding IP address confl icts.
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