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mobile battery charger

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

mobile battery charger            this is one of most useful device that we got our hands on with this baby hanging on your bag in your pockets, you will never ever run out of battery on your cell phone all you need to do is put in standard AA battery (PENCIL CELL) and it'll charge up your phone. it has connects...

Anti Gravity Globe

Monday, January 25, 2010

Anti Gravity Globe The Levitron Anti Gravity Globe, is both, a great display piece and a toy forchildren. Microchip controlled electromagnets levitate a slowly revolving globe above an anti-gravity base. There are no anti-gravity waves involved, but the resulting effect is stunning nonetheless. Unfortunately, the countries and the continents are labelled, spoiling...


Monday, January 25, 2010

CRV-43 The CRV-43 from NEC Display Solutions is a staggering 43-inch display. Four DLPmonitors are stitched together, to give one seamless 2880 x 900 display resolution. We are guessing that the monitors will be used for workstations, but gaming rigs may benefit if the game can handle the 30:1 aspect ratio.but good luck  finding wallpapers for...


Monday, January 25, 2010

PSPGoSony’s rationale for making the PSP Go seems to be to make a smaller, morecompact and lighter device for pocket gaming. The PSP Go, which has hit the American markets early this month, sports a 16GB flash drive instead of the UMD memory, and a screen that slides up to reveal the controls beneath. The only means of distribution of games however, is the official...

Logitech G110

Friday, January 22, 2010

Gaming keyboards from Logitech are always at theforefront when it comes to keeping the needs of gamers in mind. The G110 is actually much more sober than it’s predecessors, and chucks out some of the unnecessary features such as the LCD display. However, it retains the style factor with customizable backlights for the keys. There are a total of 36 pre-programmed key...


Thursday, January 21, 2010

MiShare Trust the Chinese to come up with something like this. The miShare is a simple device that transfers data betweentwo iPods. Pretty useful for those situations where you want to swap songs  without having to use a computer as an intermediary... which you cannot (officially) do anyway when it comes to iPods. but we wish the Chinese would come up...

Bajca Smile Keypad

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bajca Smile Keypad The Bajca Smile Keypad is for instant messenger junkies who justcan’t do with their emoticons. Instead of having to press a series of keys, the Bajca keypad allows you to access 16 emoticons with the press of a single key. The device interfaces with the computer using a USB drive. The keys themselves are detachable, and can be strung into...

The Peregrine

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Peregrine The Peregrine is an input devices shaped like a glove. No, it’s notmeant to your hands warm but you can actually use it in games of all sorts. There are 30 touch points all over the glove that can be configured to allow 30 different gestures. When your hands get sweaty, there are pockets to let air circulate. And for the times when you soil the...

Optoma Pico

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Optoma Pico The Optoma Pico is one of the smallestprojectors available. Manufactured to be used with an iPod, the projector can also be used with an iPhone. The Pico is very light, weighing in at just 120 grams. The pico can project a 480x320 resolution image on almost any surface, between 8 inches and 8 feet away. The projection is pretty bright for such...

Duncan Wilson Otto

Monday, January 18, 2010

Duncan Wilson Otto No, these are not your regular run of the mill speakers. In fact,these are not any kind of gadget that you have ever heard of. The world around you is full of very slight, almost imperceptible sounds. Your desk, your glass of water, even your walls, all produce very slight vibrations, that you could not hear - till now. The Otto can attach...

Sanyo Xacti CG11

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sanyo Xacti CG11 These simple to use camcorders from Sanyo come in a range ofeye-catching colours, and can shoot 720p resolution HD videos. The best little feature is the ability to directly upload videos on YouTube as long as there is a Wi-Fi connectivity around. The default storage is a little disappointing though, you will have only 40MB to play around...

What is a Beta version ?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The term beta version was first used by IBM for their early hardware tests, where the tests were done to check whether the hardware performed all of the specified functions. The word beta comes from the second alphabet in the Greek language. When a product is in development, it goes through several stages. The first stage, or the alpha stage is when the product is tested within the company and any problems are fixed at the company. A product...

Voice over Internet Protocol

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP is an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol. With the help of VoIPservices, the voice of a person can be transmitted into digital signals to be transported over the internet. VoIP enables you to make calls directly from a computer through special VoIP enabled applications or chat applications, or VoIP enabled phones. To...

What You See Is What You Get

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What You See Is What You Get WYSIWYG is a commonly used acronym for 'What You See Is What You Get'. Any applicationthat shows you your documents exactly as they will be printed rather than showing markup or code. When used with reference to office applications, WYSIWYG basically means that the interface explains to its users what the effects of various commands...


Saturday, January 16, 2010

THE OLPC INITIATIVEOLPC is an acronym for 'One Laptop per Child '. A few years ago, NicholasNegroponte, fouder of the MIT Media Lab, was on a trip to Africa. During his stay there, he was inspired to create a new learning experience for the children of Africa. Thus the idea of the 'low-priced laptop' came into existence. These laptops would offer more than...

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Friday, January 15, 2010

LightweightDirectory AccessProtocol LDAP is an acronym for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is an Internet Protocol developed by the University of Michigan. It consists of a directory of records which is centralized and accessed by programs to retrieve information. Other than records, it is also used to share devices like a printer on a network. Here,...


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Podcasts Podcasts are similar to radio transmissions,but they aredigital media frequencies distributed over the Internet to portable media players or a computer system, with the help of syndicate feeds. Podcasts may be media files either in the audio or video formats. The term Podcasts was first coined by Apple, as they were initially used to broadcast feeds...

Blue Screen of Death

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blue Screen of DeathThe Blue Screen of Death or BSoD is an error screen displayedby an operating system (mainly Windows) when it encountersa critical system errorcausing a system shutdown to preventfurther damage.Blue screens may appear for a variety of errors which include poorly structured device drivers, malfunctioning hardware, incompatible DLLs,...

Storage Area Network

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Storage Area NetworkSAN in an acronym for Storage Area Network. It is can be linked the server of a remote storage device in such a way that the device appears to be attached to the user’s system locally. SANs often use the Fiber Channel fabric topology, which is an infrastructure designed to manage storage communications. It also provides quick and reliable...

High-capacity microSD HC cards

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

High-capacity microSD HC cards Kingston has announced the addition of  8GB and 16GB microSD High-Capacity (SDHC) fl ash memory cards to its mobile memory storage line. The 8GB microSDHC card can store more than 1,500 digital songs, 4,000 images from a 5-megapixel cameraphone, or up to eight hours of video. The 8GB and 16GB microSDHC cards are so roomy that...

Powersaving hard drives

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Powersaving hard drives Seagate Technology has begun shipping a power-thrifty desktop hard drive family that combines the largest storage capacity available with the best power effi ciency and performance in its class, using as much as 50 percent less electricity than standard desktop hard drives. The new Seagate Barracuda LP (Low Power) hard drives help...

Multimedia all-in-one PC

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Multimedia all-in-one PC Lenovo has brought consumers the next generation of desktop computing with the IdeaCentre A600—their first all-in-one desktop. The new, sleek IdeaCentre A600 all-in-one features a frameless Full HD 1080 21.5-inch screen and a modern design that measures only one inch at its slimmest point. The A600 is powered by an Intel Core 2 Duo...

Making the most of your mobile phone

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) has added a new dimension to mobile entertainment. If you have a Bluetooth-enabled device such as a phone or a laptop which supports A2DP you can stream stereo audio to a compatible headset or Bluetooth-enabled PC. If the device supports Audio/Video Remote Control Protocol (AVRCP) you can use it as a remote control....

A home server for all your media

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A home server for all your media  Many Indian homes have more than one PC, since these are more affordable than ever. Increased laptop sales are also driving this trend. With each computer having a separate collection of media files, it makes sense to host it all on a central server, and create a home network. The Windows Home Server lets you do this....


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SONYERICSSON AINO   Sony Ericsson Aino - the first touchscreen slider from Sony Ericsson that stores a number pad and navigation keys right under its 3" display. In addition, it is also the first (and surely not the last) handset from Sony Ericsson that boasts tight integration with the PlayStation 3, allowing one to use the Remote Play feature in order...


Sunday, January 3, 2010

OCR TECHNOLOGYOptical Character Recognition                         or more commonly known as OCR, is the translation of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine readable and editable text using either mechanical or electrical means. OCR is an off-line character recognition technique. OCR is a vast technology that extends...


Sunday, January 3, 2010

DIGITAL SIGNATURE  DIGITAL signatures are used to verify and identify the sender of a message. They are basically used for authentication purposes. For example, if a sender has to send confi dential data, the receiver may require confi dence that the message was not modifi ed during transmission. Though encryption plays an important role in data security, at times encrypted messages can be altered using diff erent encryption algorithms....


Sunday, January 3, 2010

DHCP SERVER  DHCP is an acronym for Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol. Once a range of IP addresses has been defi ned on a DHCP server, it will automatically assign them to computers connected to the network. This is done once the system is started and recognized on a server. First, a broadcast request is sent by the client to the DHCP server. This...


Sunday, January 3, 2010

FIREWIREFIREWIRE ports use the FireWire technology to transfer data between electronic devices at high speeds.This port was fi rst installed on Apple camcorders and because of its success it is now installed on almost every electronic device like digital cameras and digital music players. Since the FireWire is a multi-platform serial bus,it can interact with...

A proxy server

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A proxy server is an intermediate server system existing between a client to direct any access request to a centrally locted server. Client systems generally connect to proxies to request services such as fifile transfers, LAN or web connectivity, or other LAN resources (printers, scanners, etc) attached to the servers. They are also used as a deterrent, i.e....


Saturday, January 2, 2010

 EVDO EVOLUTION Data Optimized or EVDO is a telecommunication standard for wireless transmission of data using radio signals mainly for broadband Internet access. EVDO standards follow the 3G protocol and uses CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) for quick data transfer of 500 to 1000 kilobits per second. EVDO is not compatible with GSM networks. EVDO can...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Blue Lock 1.91 Publisher's description Bluelock is an open source application that locks your Windows PC if a particular Bluetooth device is not detected. For example, if you register your Bluetooth mobile phone with the program but then move away from your desk, the program will detect your phone is out of range and automatically lock your system, requiring the password to be entered to reactivate the system. Full Delphi source code is...

Diagnostic Test Cards

Saturday, January 2, 2010

PC BIOS POST Diagnostic Test CardsWhat are P.O.S.T. codes? "POST" stands for Power On Self Test. Every IBM Compatible PC has software built in to the motherboard, called a BIOS (Basic Input Output System). This system, or BIOS, gets control of the computer even before the operating systems loads, and does a Self Test of the components on the motherboard, and in some cases, boards that are plugged into the various slots. It goes through...


Friday, January 1, 2010

Fotolia Earning money with photos you click You have had loads of experience with your camera lately and have in fact taken some very beautiful pictures. But now the photos are compelled to have a useless existence on the hard disk. What can you do with them? Earn money with it! You do not need to be a professional photographer for that. Nowadays, there are online photo agencies, which specialize in marketing good amateur photos. The offi...


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